To unite for mutual  benefit those public officials and private persons engaged in the control of arson and kindred crimes.

To provide for exchange of technical information and developments.

To cooperate with other law enforcement agencies and associations to further fire prevention and the suppression of crime.

To encourage high professional standards of conduct among members and to continually strive to eliminate all factors which interfere with administration of justice.  

I will conduct both my personal and official life so as to inspire the confidence of the public.

I will not use my profession and my position of trust for personal advantage or profit.

I will regard my fellow investigators with the same standards as I hold for myself.

I will never betray a confidence nor otherwise jeopardize their investigation

I will regard it my duty to know my work thoroughly.  It is my further duty to avail myself of every opportunity to learn more about my profession.

I will avoid alliances with those whose goals are inconsistent with an honest and unbiased investigation.

I will make no claim to professional qualifications which I do not possess.

I will share all publicity equally with my fellow investigators whether such publicity if favorable or unfavorable.

I will be loyal to my superiors, to my subordinates, and to the organization I represent.

I will bear in mind always that I am a truth-seeker not a case maker, that it is more important to protect the innocent than to convict the guilty.

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Oregon I.A.A.I. - Chapter 31

International Association of Arson Investigators


Certified Fire Investigator (IAAI-CFI®)

The IAAI-CFI® qualification is a standardized evaluation of a fire investigator’s training and expertise. Investigators applying for IAAI-CFI® certification must complete an extensive application requiring documentation, earn sufficient points for their achievements in education, training, and experience, and pass a comprehensive examination. To become an IAAI-CFI®, the applicant must:

  • Attain at least 150 points on the IAAI-CFI® application through documented achievements in education, training, and experience. Every point claimed on the application must be documented by certificate, diploma, reference letter, transcript, or other acceptable method.
  • Earn a 70% passing grade on a comprehensive, "closed book," proctored examination that is based on every job performance requirement in NFPA 1033: Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator. The application must be approved prior to sitting for the examination.

Fire Investigation Technician (IAAI-FIT®)

The IAAI Fire Investigation Technician Program verifies an applicant's fundamental knowledge as measured against core job performance requirements of the established professional qualification standards for fire investigators defined in NFPA 1021, NFPA 1033 and NFPA 1037. The IAAI-FIT® program encourages educational and professional development through recognition of an individual’s accomplishments in developing core abilities and competencies related to fire investigation.

Evidence Collection Technician (IAAI-ECT®)

The Evidence Collection Technician Program verifies an applicant's fundamental knowledge as measured against core job performance requirements of established professional qualifications standards and standard industry practices related to evidence collection on fire scenes. This measurement is not all inclusive of the incorporated professional standards cited, but lays the foundation for measuring the holder’s fundamental ability to perform specific evidence collection tasks related to fire scene investigation at an acceptable level as measured against published acceptable practices.

The applicant must provide documentation of meeting minimum requirements including experience, training, and education. After the application is approved, the applicant must then successfully pass a practical examination.

Certified Instructor (IAAI-CI®)

The International Association of Arson Investigators Certified Instructor program (IAAI-CI) verifies an applicant’s level of fundamental knowledge as measured against various core job performance requirements of established professional qualifications standards related to Fire Service Instructors.

The following professional qualifications standards core JPRs were considered when developing this professional designation:

  • NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications, 2012 Edition
    • Chapter 1 - Administration
    • Chapter 2 - Referenced Publications
    • Chapter 3 - Definitions
    • Chapter 4 - Instructor I

Motor Vehicle Fire Credential

The Motor Vehicle Fire Credential Endorsement program encompasses the sub category of passenger motor vehicle fire investigation. The credential attaches to the highest level IAAI Certification of the applicant. All applicants must possess either the IAAI Fire Investigation Technician designation (IAAI-FIT®) or the IAAI Certified Fire Investigator designation (IAAI-CFI®). The IAAI-FIT and IAAI-CFI are administered by the IAAI and are designed to verify an applicant’s level of fundamental knowledge as measured against various core job performance requirement (JPR) of NFPA 1033 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator and other guidelines related to fire investigation. This standard lays the foundation for measuring the holder’s fundamental understanding of how to perform specific tasks related to fire scene investigation at an acceptable level and their ability to properly perform specific tasks related to the specialized motor vehicle fire investigation category.

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